Title Description
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Product Name WEB İÇİN
Purpose ROSA-STRIP Peroxide test strips are used to measure the amount of peroxide in solutions by detecting peroxide in the range 0.5 - 25 ppm. This test strip is ideal for testing low levels of peroxide in solutions.
Working Principle
Warnings, Precautions, Recommendations Store all unused test strips in the original bottle.
• Do not remove the desiccant pack.
• Close the cap immediately and tightly after removing a test strip; the strips must be protected from moisture.
• Do not touch the indicator pad.
• Do not allow the indicator pad to come into contact with work surfaces that may be contaminated with liquids or potentially interfering substances.
• ROSA-STRIP Peroxide test strips (Ref No: 7005) are designed to test the levels of peracetic acid/peroxide-based disinfectant remaining after a rinsing procedure only. To test the strength of the disinfectant, use the ROSA-STRIP Peracetic Acid test strips (Ref No: 7004). Contact GBL or an authorized dealer for availability.
• Strong oxidizing agents such as halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine) or hypochlorite may also give a positive reaction (blue color).
• At peroxide concentrations above 20 ppm, tan/brown colors may develop.
• Protect reaction zones from light (also during reaction time).
Storage Temperature 2/8 °C
Shelf Life After Opening the Lid
Shelf Life 2 yıl
pH (at 25°C)
Application 1. Immerse the test strip in the solution for 1 second.
2. Remove excess solution by shaking the test strip.
3. Allow to dry completely.
4. After drying, moisten the test strip with a drop of water.
5. Wait 15 seconds.
6. Compare with the color scale.
Microbiological Properties

If hydrogen peroxide is present, the test area turns blue.

Ordering and Packaging Information
Order No Unit Packaging Type Quantity in Package Quantity in Box
457005070025 Bottle Effervescent White Bottle 25 Strips 70