Title Description
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REF No 5027
Product Name WEB İÇİN
Purpose Rose-Quick is a rapid sperm staining kit used for KRUGER morphology determination of human sperm (Kruger -Tygerberg Strict Criteria).
Working Principle Rose-Quick is a rapid stain for the evaluation of sperm morphology by staining human semen according to the Tygerberg Strict criteria as defined by Kruger et al. It stains air-dried human semen smir slides in as little as 30 seconds. It consists of a fixative and two stains.
Warnings, Precautions, Recommendations Hazard Highly flammable liquid and vapor. Toxic if swallowed, in contact with skin or inhaled. Causes damage to organs. Keep away from heat/sparks/flame/hot surfaces - No smoking. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. IF IN CONTACT WITH SKIN (or hair): Immediately remove all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. In case of exposure: Call the NATIONAL POISON ADVICE CENTER on PHONE 114 or a doctor/physician.
Ingredients A) Methanol fixative: FCF Stain, Methanol
B) Buffered xanthene solution: Eosin Y, Eosin B, Phloxin B, Thiourea,
C) Buffered thiazine solution: Methylene blue, Azure A
Storage Temperature 15-25°C
Shelf Life After Opening the Lid
Shelf Life 2 year.
pH (at 25°C) B-Buffered Xanthene Solution pH: 6,6 ±0,2
C-Buffered Thiazine Solution pH: 6,6 ±0,2
Concentration Diff-Quick, FAST SPERM STAINING KIT, Diff-Quik rapid staining method, Sperm morphology
Application METHODS:
1. Take a drop of the lysed semen, spread it on a slide as a thin film, Smir, without diluting it and air-dry it for maximum 5-15 minutes.
2. The preparation is immersed in and out of Rose-Quick Fixative in an upright chalice at least 5, maximum 10 times. Touch the edge of the slide to the flask to drain off the excess Rose-Quick Fixative. The excess is blotted off with a blotting paper.
3. Immerse the preparation in and out of Rose-Quick Stain-I in an upright chalice at least 5, maximum 10 times. Touch the edge of the slide to the chalice to drain off the excess Rose-Quick Stain-I. The excess is blotted off with a blotting paper.
4. Dip the preparation in and out of Rose-Quick Stain-II in an upright chalice at least 5, maximum 10 times. Touch the edge of the slide to the chalice to drain the excess Rose-Quick Stain-II. The excess is blotted off with a blotting paper.
5. Immerse the preparation in tap water in an upright chalice at least 5, maximum 10 times. Touch the edge of the slide to the chalice to drain off the excess water. The excess is absorbed by means of a blotting paper.
6. The preparation is left to air dry. When the staining is finished and the preparation is thoroughly dry, it can be kept until it is examined.
7. The stained preparation is examined under a light microscope with 100x magnification using immersion oil.
The acrosomal region is stained in a LIGHT PURPLE color.
Post-Acrosomal region, Neck and Tail are stained in DARK PURPLE color.
8. At least 200 sperm should be counted in the whole area and the ratio should be given as %.
The examination is performed according to WHO or Strict Criteria.
REF: Atlas of Human Sperm Morphology /R. Menkveld, E.E. Oettle, T.F. Kruger (Williams & Wilkins)
Microbiological Properties
Acrosomal region Light Purple
Postacrosomal region, neck and tail Dark Purple

Ordering and Packaging Information
Order No Unit Volume Packaging Type Quantity in Box Quantity per Carton
445027050050 Piece 50 ml 50 ml, HDPE White Bottle with Dropper 1 set 20 set
445027050250 Piece 250 ml 250 ml, PP White Bottle with Dropper 1 set 15 set
445027020500 Piece 500 ml 500 ml, HDPE White Bottle 28 mm 1 set 6 set
