Title Description
Star Product Yes
REF No 5006
Product Name WEB İÇİN
Purpose It is used to determine the number of live sperm when sperm motility is low. Eosin nigrosin sperm staining is based on the principle that dead sperm take the dye in and appear to be stained because the membrane structure of dead sperm is disrupted.
Working Principle Eosin is an acidic dye that stains the cytoplasm (intracellular fluid) red. In sperm cells, it changes the color of the cytoplasm, especially in the head and tail regions. Eosin does not affect the cell membrane in a negative way and preserves the overall structure of the cell. However, it is used to highlight certain organelles and structures within the cell.
Nigrosin is a dye that stains the gel layer surrounding the cells. This helps us to see the cells in a contrasting way. Nigrosin does not affect the cell membrane and usually stains the outer surface of the cell. This makes the sperm cells more prominent. Dyes such as eosin and nigrosin often make unique connections with specific cellular structures (for example, proteins in the cytoplasm). These unique connections allow the stain to act specifically for certain cellular components. Nigrosin increases the contrast between the background and the sperm heads, making it easier to visualize sperm. Eosin stains only dead sperm, turning them dark pink/red, while live sperm appear white/colorless.
Warnings, Precautions, Recommendations The products are for professional use only. Not classified as hazardous according to the Regulation on the SEA of Substances or Mixtures (OG 11.12.2013 No: 28848 bis) and Directive 1272&2008 [CLP/GHS] (EC).
Ingredients A-Eosin Y Stain: Eosin Y, Sodium chloride, Sodium azide
B-Nigrosin Staining: Nigrosin, Sodium chloride, Sodium azide
Storage Temperature 15-25°C
Shelf Life After Opening the Lid
Shelf Life 2 year.
pH (at 25°C)
Concentration Eosin-Nigrosin Staining Kit, Eosin-Nigrosin Staining Kit, Eosin-Nigrosin, Sperm viability, sperm motility,
*Shake the Nigrosin dye before use.
1. Mix 0.05 ml of semen sample and 2 drops of 1- Eosin Y stain in a sterile test tube and wait 30 seconds (1 drop = 0.05 ml)
2. After 30 seconds, add 3 drops of 2-Nigrosin Dye to the mixture and mix well.
3. Within 30 seconds after adding the 2-nigrosin dye, prepare a thin smear by placing 1 drop of the semen-dye mixture on the slide.
4. Cover the smear with a coverslip before it dries. Immediately examine under a light microscope.
5. Distinguish live spermatozoa from dead spermatozoa by counting between 100 and 200 cells.
6. Read the results immediately. Waiting too long will reduce the percentage of sperm viability.
7. It is clinically important to know whether immotile (100% immobile) spermatozoa are alive or dead. The viability results should be evaluated together with the motility results in the same semen sample. The presence of a high proportion of viable but immotile cells may indicate structural defects in the flagellum. A high proportion of immotile and non-viable cells may indicate epididymal pathology.
8. A semen sample is considered normal if 58% or more sperm cells are viable.
Microbiological Properties
Live spermatozoa Colorless
Dead spermatozoa Pink-Red

Ordering and Packaging Information
Order No Unit Volume Packaging Type Quantity in Box Quantity per Carton
445006030050 Quantity 50 ml 50 ml, HDPE White Bottle with Dropper 1 set 20 set
